Strings have elements, arrays have elements. Certain iteration methods like map cant iterate a string without transforming it into an array. Certain ones can, like a for loop. You can access elements of a string the same way you can an array str[0]...
I think it was a bit to difficult for a beginner.
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I disagree with you: why should a basic kata, which only handles multiples and simple exception cases, be classified as a 6 level?
U clearly did this on purpose XD
This is definitely an 8 kyu considering I solved it with 1 line, 1 method, no iterators, and didn't even have to check for 'fire'
I disagree with this being 8kyu, this is more like 7-6ish. Plus the description lies to you about what will be tested.
I feel like the poster had to be joking, if he went through that much effort
hire this person
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Closest to my solve except I iterated the string using for loop instead.
Strings have elements, arrays have elements. Certain iteration methods like map cant iterate a string without transforming it into an array. Certain ones can, like a for loop. You can access elements of a string the same way you can an array str[0]...
What an es5 monstrosity
I went with this solve just because it gave me a chance to mess with initialization, condition, increment.
I think it works without number due to type coercion? At least I did almost identically without converting the string for comparison
They chat gpt'd it, that is where the map is coming from XD
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