I agree it needs revision, the capital 'W' in the example output ["CodeWars"] made me think there could be mutiple capital letters in each string of the array which apparently isn't true. In cases of arrays containing multiple strings the only capital letters were the first ones of the strings making this problem easier.
OP solved it, closing
OP solved it, closing
I agree it needs revision, the capital 'W' in the example output ["CodeWars"] made me think there could be mutiple capital letters in each string of the array which apparently isn't true. In cases of arrays containing multiple strings the only capital letters were the first ones of the strings making this problem easier.
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
added for #1, #2 is already clear (case insensitive), closing ~~
Can't be changed.
Different Node versions implement
differently. It wasn't stable in that version (v8.1.3).For me, the description makes the task quite obvious. What exactly is not clear for you? What would be your suggestion for improvements here?