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    I don't understantd your answer, In my case, Matthew and Elizabeth get the same score, so it's Elizabeth's win because E is comming before M.

    In the next example, you have the same case :
    rank("Aubrey,Olivai,Abigail,Chloe,Andrew,Elizabeth", [3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2], 4), "Abigail"), Abigail and Chloe get the same score and it's Abigail's win.

    There is something that I don't understand.

    EDIT : I'm a stupid monkey, I got it, sorry for my useless comment

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    Yeah, didn't see, sorry my bad.

    thanks you for your advices

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    You read wrongly the output.
    In fact you have:

    ['zone', 'abigail', 'theta', 'form', 'libe', 'zas']
    LE RESULTAT EST zoneabigailthetaform
    'zoneabigailthetaform' should equal ''

    Your code is wrong somewhere.

    • please give the langauge you are using
    • before posting an issue look at the top of the page to see how many people passed the kata in your language (10767 in Python); when the number is not small chances are that your code is wrong or incompete. Instead of an issue post a question.
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