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    I fixed it according to your suggestion using n.toFixed(8). Should be safer now in case of faulty rounded floats :)

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    good point, sorry :)

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    Could you please be more clear? I'm not that good in English nor programming. Do you mean that I should set kata requirement, i.e. Float(0,2) and then check it with same tollerance in tests? Or just in tests?

    For now I was assuming, that points like [1.5517241379310345,0.9655172413793105] are valid answers.

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    I've noticed another error in kata submit validation:

    tickToward([8, 2],[8, 2]);
    Expected: [[8,2],[19,13],[18,12],[17,11],[16,10],[15,9],[14,8],[13,7],[12,6],[11,5],[10,4],[9,3],[8,2]], instead got: [[8,2]]

    as you can see, when path starts and ends in same point, something goes really wrong ;)

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    My solution (Javascript) is failing on random tests and looking at the output, it seams that test assertion might be wrong:

    tickToward([-23, -18],[-19, -14]);
    Expected: [[-19,-14],[-22,-17],[-21,-16],[-20,-15],[-19,-14]], instead got: [[-23,-18],[-22,-17],[-21,-16],[-20,-15],[-19,-14]]

    looks like first element in expected solution is an ending point ([-19, -14]) instead of starting point ([-23, -18]).

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    Maybe it's silly question, but does (retired) in title mean, that I can't (final) submit my solution? I've got it working, all tests passed, but there is no "Final submit" showing after successfull "Submit"... Every time I click "Submit" all tests pass and same message is shown: "Good Job! You may take your time to refactor/comment your solution. Submit when ready.".


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    I had some hard time figuring out what I am supposed to do, I mean: what was exactly the task.

    Maybe some info like: Write a function, which takes as parameters an array and a callback function.

    Besides that - simple, but cool kata.