yes but ruby probably created like 1 million objects under the hood which is why this is the slowest lol
Well I'll be damned...
seriously!? :)
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omg I tot it will only remove the first instance of the element it found! Didn't realise it will remove all element...
At first I was like "that can't be it", then I remember that Ruby loves us <3
LOL, love ruby
O(m+n) is not a valid big-O time. This solution is O(n).
<3 Ruby!
I wonder what the space-time complexity of this solution is. My guess is O(m+n), but not too sure.
(╬ ಠ益ಠ)
Ahahaha are u kidding me? I love ruby now
Yeah, for a 6 kyu kata I was expecting something slightly more involved
The power of ruby, very nice!!!
Thank you for the detailed explaination
Well I feel really dumb
Loading collection data...
yes but ruby probably created like 1 million objects under the hood which is why this is the slowest lol
Well I'll be damned...
seriously!? :)
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
omg I tot it will only remove the first instance of the element it found! Didn't realise it will remove all element...
At first I was like "that can't be it", then I remember that Ruby loves us <3
LOL, love ruby
O(m+n) is not a valid big-O time. This solution is O(n).
<3 Ruby!
I wonder what the space-time complexity of this solution is. My guess is O(m+n), but not too sure.
(╬ ಠ益ಠ)
Ahahaha are u kidding me? I love ruby now
Yeah, for a 6 kyu kata I was expecting something slightly more involved
The power of ruby, very nice!!!
Thank you for the detailed explaination
Well I feel really dumb
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