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    I have seen some kata that may be considered trivia. I have even implemented a kata that could be considered trivia. I would like to see a ranking criteria for kata where the requirements may seem trivial but promote a generalizable concept.

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    'Best Practices' and 'Clever' are nice ways to flag a solution but there should be a 'Bad Practice' flag too.
    So many bad solutions (unreadble but short) get 'Best practice' flags and it's very missleading to anyone trying to learn from other peoples code. Negative flags would help counter this problem but might need a trial just incase we're all secretly trolls.

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    Let me give it a shot tomorrow...

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    You can actually output a canvas the same way you output text but it would be nice to lock down tag output and support thing likes canvas with the UI.

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    It would be great to be able to draw to a canvas in a Kata and see the results when run. That will let us create a whole class of graphics-related Katas (image manipulation, etc) as well as make some of the more challenging ones easier to visualize.

    It would also be great to provide input as a file, store it in the Kata, and read that file for test execution.

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    Sure. You can send us a message through the intercom Feedback (Lightbulb icon at the bottom left of the screen).

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    I've been waiting a couple days to reply to see if this is still happening. And haven't had this happen any time recently, but it's always been intermittent, i.e. it works great for a week, than I can't do anything for days at a time. Is there something I should do besides posting here if it starts up again?

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    Could you possibly -1 it? Or just make it add zero, but still allow the tag?

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    You will stop receiving updates form the forum within a few days of inactivity on it. We had that feature in there a while back when the forum comment order was reversed, and users often would reply to someone as a new thread. Now that comments are ordered by most recent, most users reply inline to the original thread, so we can probably take this out. I'm adding a task to our system now.

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    What use cases do you envision using this for?

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    You can currently request a change via the Discourse section. You can log a comment as an issue or suggestion so that it can be tracked as a task.

    We would like to eventually have the kata be synced with a Git based system. We intend to do this at some point but it is a huge effort, especially since we need to implement custom security.

    In the nearer future we will make kata more open, so that anyone who has earned the ability can edit anyone else's kata. We already have a revision system in place (can be viewed from the menu within the kata editor).

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    We are still ironing out some kinks with our open source version of a Docker sandbox, so no new languages until we make the switch. We however have a codewars runner cli project that we are just starting up. It will be used with the Docker sandboxing and allows the community the ability to add support for additional languages. It also can be used for authoring tests locally. Would love to see haskell and clojure supported added in there if you have the time.

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    Yeah we thought about adding a "Hack" tag. We could add that in pretty quickly as things are now, but it would result in users actually getting rewarded with honor for cheating. We think the best approach would be to only use the tag for sorting purposes only, and reward no honor for it.

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    We just started the blog so thats all we have right now.

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    Angle brackets (greater than, less than, < or >) seem to not be handled very well across the site. The syntax hilighting often get's muddled with them, making all the text between a < and > red. Also, in some places code that looks like a HTML tag (such as

    ) is left as such, hidding or mis-formatting code.

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