It's been three years, but your code is incorrect. You currently return false for any job/candidate match where the job does not require all of the candidate's skills, which is backwards. The candidate needs to satisfy all of the job's requirements, but not all of the candidate's skills need to be utilized. Your code has other issues as well. There is no bug with the kata, although assertion messages should be improved.
That's the test setting the idealYears property of the job object to 10. The next line actually tests your function. Your function should return false for this test because at this point in the test, the job requires 10 years of coffeescript (or javascript with the substitution), but the candidate only has 3 years of experience. Currently, your function returns true for this test, which is incorrect.
Sorry, can someone help me?
I cant understand what it means:
"job.skills[0].idealYears = 10 // raise the ideal years above candidate years
Test.expect(!match(candidate,job), 'should not match when ideal years are higher');"
It's been three years, but your code is incorrect. You currently return false for any job/candidate match where the job does not require all of the candidate's skills, which is backwards. The candidate needs to satisfy all of the job's requirements, but not all of the candidate's skills need to be utilized. Your code has other issues as well. There is no bug with the kata, although assertion messages should be improved.
That's the test setting the
property of the job object to 10. The next line actually tests your function. Your function should returnfalse
for this test because at this point in the test, the job requires 10 years of coffeescript (or javascript with the substitution), but the candidate only has 3 years of experience. Currently, your function returnstrue
for this test, which is incorrect.Sorry, can someone help me?
I cant understand what it means:
"job.skills[0].idealYears = 10 // raise the ideal years above candidate years
Test.expect(!match(candidate,job), 'should not match when ideal years are higher');"
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Using destructuring is cool :)
15 + 7 what is the answer? -> 22
22 + 3 what is the answer? -> 25
is 25 equal 24? can you logically think?
its bad
ikr, gives me headache
I doubt that such sample tests are needed as it does not represent any special case or edge case
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Wow, really clever.
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