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    For swift, the input for the random tests has been misprogrammed. Here is an example


    as a String. I am guessing it should be "lcpsklry". Somehow in the construction, the "Optional" didn't get
    resolved before converting to a String. Instead, it was literally converted. Kind of funny actually.

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    That did fix it, but code now pretty ugly due rust's strict type checks. Thanks.

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    @MrZizoScream: how is it that you're 5kyu now? O_o

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    • Thanks for posting your question but for more help you could make use of Question Lable :wink:
    • I'm not a rust Coder But I'll try to help as I can ,

    Is the checker picking up the '-' in fn tadd(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 as a minus sign?

    • Big Yes, The Checker doesn't differentiate between minus sign of function and mathematical operations, it just scans for Char '-' , Thus the failure message had appeared, but you can take a step to prevent it which is including your foo's function body into the main function, I mean cutting your solution and pasting it into the main function add Without changing, This Will be Complied and run as success :+1:
    • Tuned to hear Your Feedback .. Regards .. Zizou
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    In rust, I am getting "solution contains a '-'." failure.

    Is the checker picking up the '-' in

    fn tadd(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {

    as a minus sign?