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    5:15 am
    Test Failed
      String lengths are both 4. Strings differ at index 2.
      Expected: "0505"
      But was:  "0515"

    Random tests sometimes expect the wrong result.

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    nice kata but I don't understand the expected result:

    4:64 pm
    Test Failed
      Expected string length 4 but was 3. Strings differ at index 0.
      Expected: "1604"
      But was:  "NaN"
      language c#
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    How can you pass military time to regular? That RandomRegularToMilitaryTimeTests always returning wrong results.
    How Output of 07: 17 pm can be 19:17?
    12:06 am
    11:61 pm
    11:51 pm
    10:12 pm
    7:17 pm
    Test Failed
    String lengths are both 4. Strings differ at index 2.
    Expected: "1907"
    But was: "1917"

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    Hi @whendon18,

    Welcome to the club of Kata authors! :D While you may be inclined to author a Kata whenever an idea pops up in your mind and publish it for the rest of the community to enjoy, you should be aware that published Kata are expected to meet strict expectations in order to pass the testing stage and leave Beta.

    Please do read through the article linked above before continuing on your journey of authoring Kata. We're looking forward to more Kata authored by you once you have read the article mentioned ;)
