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    It's funny to see the oneliner and the Enterprise Edition next to each other :')

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    Basic tests use this:
    ['|', 'J', '|', '|'],
    ['|', '|', '|', 'J'],
    ['...', '...', '...', '...'];

    But actual tests use this ("random"):
    ['|', '...', '|', '...'],
    ['...', '...', '|', 'J'],
    ['...', '...', '...', '...'];

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    Curled hair is 'J' only.

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    Trimmed hair ("...") can also occur in the "curled hair", as well as in "chin hair", right?

    In my initial solution I didn't expect there will be trimmed hair ("...") present in "curled hair",
    but only "J" and "|" since trimmed hair is not included in basic test cases.

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    Unless i'm missing something I think it's there:

    trim any curled hair --> replace 'J' with '|'
    trim any hair from the chin (last array) --> replace '|' or 'J' with '...'
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    Nice kata. Tnx!

    Instructions and Test Cases really should include the requirement of
    beard hair having "trimmed chin hair" as well.
    Was kind of frustrated when my test failed because of the absence
    of specs in the Instructions.

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    Nice code I think that the first line may be erased to improve readability but on this way perhaps you may optimize it a bit. Congrats :) ( BTW I also think that using == instead of === in the first line can optimize it too )

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    I really liked the challenge, however as a person who learned to program from Ruby, may I suggest to expand on the instruction or the tests, it took me a couple of tries to understand was it was that the challange wanted from the user. Other than than that, great challenge. Looking forward for more.

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    Yeah, likewise!

    Good point. I find that the greatest enemy of progress is not willing to lose and learn from a defeat. It coincides somewhat with what you said. Greatest gains do come from facing situations above our skill level and giving our best in trying to overcome them. That's why I like CW, it gives us a lot of tools for improvement.

    I'm glad it worked out for you. (thumbsup)

    I'm currently focused on doing/learning as much as I can and enjoying it in the meantime. ^^

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    Oh, didn't expect to encounter here another gaijin knowing the HnK franchise: quite a surprise :o!

    Well, then I can also compare myself to the usually lame Jagi in Gokuaku no Hana: he felt always weak and not progressing while still training with his bigger brothers, then, suddenly, he realized how much his skills developed once he had to challenge ordinary guys; I experienced a similar thing trying some task out there and found that all sparring with bigger brothers bore good fruits, but I didn't realize until then.

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    The more I use it, the more I like it. I'd say that's a mark of a good product. ^^

    In your last sentence you pretty much summarized my current position, although I feel
    confident enough with my current Ruby skillset.

    Thanks one more time. Always happy to chat with a fellow FotNS fan. :D

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    Be my guest, then: CW gave me a lot, in more than a way.

    So I am more than ready to give something back to the community, as much as my meager skills allow.

    Plus, discussing with a fellow coder is always a chance of growth :)

    On a side note, when I started CW I only had a very little proficiency with Python and very few concepts of other languages grasped on CodeCademy, having to Google basically everything in both Ruby and JS. Well, hanging around here apparently worked wonders on me.

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    Thank you for taking the time to answer the question thoroughly. Much appreciated!

    I read only Ruby solutions, since I'm only fluent in it atm.

    I get your perspective, it's a good analogy. :) As far as production code goes, the m.o. you stated is the way it should be done, I agree.

    I just might take you up on that offer. I've seen some of your solutions and like them a lot (hence the first message :) ).

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