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    it's listed under the 'debugging' tag, which means the code is bad and needs to be fixed.

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    Given that the task is very specific I'd say it is, as it is performant and the code is readable.

    If you had to, for example, generate neighbors up to a variable distance n received as a parameter of the function, that would be a different story.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Wonder if this is really a best practice, although it completely satisfies the task... Well done.

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    Well, the kata description already says so: 'Something is wrong with our Warrior class.' — And, indeed, it is.
    The initial Ruby code is pretty bad, too. (And not only because it doesn't work [correctly or not].)

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    Fixed both issues

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    I'm pretty sure it's against good practices in all languages, but hey.. you should be able to deal with this kind of code in a software development team since not everyone are experienced

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    Is it possible to flag this?

    It hurs my eyes. The default class implentation is agains every python rules, which is a shame.

    Codewars shouldn't allow a low quality kata like this to be visible at all.

    It even had syntax errors, indentation issues, pep8 violations etc.

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    The kata itself is good, but the python implementation is really weak.

    Lot of issues, others have already mentioned all of them.

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    "how many times the hoop goes round"

    Can you do minus rounds? I don't think so. The smalles possile number is 0 in this case.