This one is good, at first I thought my solution would time out, but actually it passed, which means O(n^2) for worst time complexity, can actually reach O(n * k) for the random batch test, where k is the average lengh of max Palindromic Substring from the test.
If author has time enough and admins will allow, could author provide a non performance version? I will do it if you dont have the time and admins will allow. Thank you for your time.
Hey dear wyatt00.
I've translated this kata to Java. Could you please just check if I've put the right test cases in correct slots. I've written in sample test cases box the one's the user sees while writing the solution and in (regular) test cases box the ones that are called when the user clicks the submit button, tho I might have mixed them up. I've also added some time constraints because I think the 10 seconds (or 16 in case of Java) may be enough to brute force it.
(If you cannot understand my text , i'm sorry, I am learning english by duolingo)
Well, I maked a exellent code for this kata ( in my opition) , I spend 3 days improving my code for more performance, and yet it cant passed by time out .
I really don't what I must do .
I am not blame if the codewar's computer is not enough fast to run my code ( :-D)
Nice one, keep it going.
Thank you.
Better constant time factor or caching maybe?
This one is good, at first I thought my solution would time out, but actually it passed, which means O(n^2) for worst time complexity, can actually reach O(n * k) for the random batch test, where k is the average lengh of max Palindromic Substring from the test.
If author has time enough and admins will allow, could author provide a non performance version? I will do it if you dont have the time and admins will allow. Thank you for your time.
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(author is back? ^^)
Go translation
Rust translation (author is inactive).
Hey dear wyatt00.
I've translated this kata to Java. Could you please just check if I've put the right test cases in correct slots. I've written in sample test cases box the one's the user sees while writing the solution and in (regular) test cases box the ones that are called when the user clicks the submit button, tho I might have mixed them up. I've also added some time constraints because I think the 10 seconds (or 16 in case of Java) may be enough to brute force it.
Anyways, cheers!
Uau! This was the hardest kata for me at this moment.
(If you cannot understand my text , i'm sorry, I am learning english by duolingo)
Well, I maked a exellent code for this kata ( in my opition) , I spend 3 days improving my code for more performance, and yet it cant passed by time out .
I really don't what I must do .
I am not blame if the codewar's computer is not enough fast to run my code ( :-D)
Someone have a hint to help me?
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