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    Description should be language-agnostic

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    • chai assertions should be used
    • initial code should be a class
    • no random tests


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    It should be more clear that the interval [x, y] includes x, but not y. If you think of the problem in terms of sets, the set of the interval [x, y] = {x, x + 1, x + 2, ... , y - 2, y - 1}. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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    In description said, that spaces will be presented only in case, where will be several words, but in test data there was string only with 4 spaces " ".
    So test didn't match the description.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I feel like the overlap vs adjacent numbers should be explained better. It took me a minute to realize something like (1,4) and (5,7) doesn't become (1,7). I know it's small but it's still a little annoying not having it explicitly spelled out.

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    i wrote the function and it works but it doesn't return the right answer in large random numbers i used someone else answer in another site and still the same problem it works with normal numbers but when it gets big numbers it doesn't work is it my problem or this one is broken too ?

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    random tests do no guarantee to generate all radii being < 5

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    Is anyone else having issues getting array functions to link? I had to separate them all into individual lines because doing something like
    .split("").reverse().join("") failed with an error saying you can't link them. Thanks!

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    The instructions for this kata are confusing to me. I'm having trouble figuring out why "([{}])" would return true but "[(])" would return false as both cases have closing brackets that aren't next to each other but they still complete. I thought maybe the function needed to check for every type of bracket, but then there are test cases where there are only specific brackets being tested for (i.e. a test case where "[]" returns true). I would appreciate any clarity.

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    Greetings, guys! I would like to suggest adding two additional test lines to the tests for this kata.

    In the process of optimizing my C# code, I added my two additional lines of tests and then an incorrect result was given in one or another line of the test, but all codewar's tests always completed successfully. As a result, I corrected the C# code so that my code and in my two additional lines of testing gave the correct result. I think it would be advisable to add my two additional lines to the tests to this kata because some incorrect algorithms are able to successfully pass all the tests.

    Link to my C# solution with comments (SPOILER for those who have not yet solved this kata):

    Two additional lines to add to the tests to this kata:

    { (1, 6), (10, 20), (5, 11) }

    { (10, 20), (1, 6), (5, 11) }

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    A string of braces is considered valid if all braces are matched with the correct brace.

    Way too loosly defined in my eyes.
    There could be clear rules for the validity of scoping braces:

    1. an valid expression starts with the outer scope represented by '(' & ')' and nested scopes are surrounded by '[' & ']' and further nesting by '{' & '}'
    2. an expression is invalid if there is no closing partner

    This would produce clearer rules and less ambiguity for the kata.
    But the current examples are different: "(){}[]" => true
    Still the solutions are somewhat taking order of scopes into account, which isnt mentioned in the instructions

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