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    I've tried my best ... but I have no idea what's the goal of this task.

    I understand, that it's supposed to look like a riddle, but in my opinion Katas on this platform should be clear on what are the requirements and what's the goal.

    I thought I've understood the task and passed the training tests, but then random test came and I have no idea what am I expected to do.

    Please, provide a more clear explaination and/or an example.

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    Damn it, I thought I could complete it with a O(1) solution by coming up with a formula and I've wasted a lot of time. Well, lesson learned...

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    In C# version there is a problem with random tests.

    Input: "Up!X!!!!!yTKmj!!!!gFlG!!RX!!!MA!!L rC!!XO"

    Expected: "UpXyTKmjgFlGRXMAL rCXO"

    Actual: "Up!X!!!!!yTKmj!!!!gFlG!!RX!!!MA!!L rC!!XO"

    Description states that "Words are separated by spaces in the sentence.", so in this case the expected value is incorrect.

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    I think that the description is waay to long to describe just a simple task task to generate array of even numbers up to n.

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    Simple kata, but you should emphasize more, that the input array will contain ONLY plural words ending ONLY on "s" and "es".

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    It's a pretty interesting kata and unique, that's for sure. The problem is that the description is quite confusing. You should provide some details about how the function should work, that would be much easier to make some tests, that would prove that the implementation is wrong.

    Also, in C# tests break, when I call function with null as a parameter, I think you should probably look into that, because the first parameters, that would come to my mind when testing using string as paarameter is string.Empty and null.

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    There appears to be an issue with tests on C# translation.

    Expected: "-1795367280--1795467271"
    But was: "2499600016-2499500025"

    The input number was 99991 and my result was the same as the one provided in sample test. Seems like an issue with integer rollover.

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    Magic numbers aren't really best practises though...

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    How is this a best practice and/or clever? It's clearly a wrong solution and was probably passed before there were random test cases in this kata.

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