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    Every message/string, which needs to be decoded, had been encoded before. So, question to jhancock: how can you get such an encoded message in Paul Cipher, which has small letters in it? In my opinion, there's a contradiction with the task, and that contradiction has to be fixed. Nonetheless, this kata is great!

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    The most popular 6-kyu kata? Are you kidding me?

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    I have one problem - I've written my code on C#, it works perfectly on Visual Studio, but Codewars gives me an error. After each line of numbers I add to the string "/n", but Codewars doesn't convert it to a new line and makes it like this "1/n 121/n". I have tried also "/r/n" and System.Environment.NewLine, but it still doesn't work. Have you faced that problem and what should I do?

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    If there are no vowels, my code returns the sum of all consonants, doesn't it?

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    I think my code is without mistakes but every random test returns a wrong answer. However, sample tests are correct) Has anyone met such problem on C#? What to do in order to make my random tests run without returning mistaken values?

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