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    Thanks ticking. It's interesting to consider the trade offs here.

    I think this question is lot easier in Haskell where there's a concrete data structure to work with :p

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    @soapie yes, while count itself does not hold on to the head, A will.

    So A has potentially rather high memory usage, but is fastest for the most widely used collection (vectors), while B is mind numbingly slow on those but has far better memory performance on the most widely used abstraction (seqs).

    The thread is relevant, I think I linked it somewhere as well, but I am not shure.

    So pick your poison ;)

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    The more I think about it, the less I like A. last will take linear time on a vector. If someone could verify that A leaks and B doesn't on a lazy list then I'll consider B better. And say not to use it on something that you know is a vector, just like you shouldn't use last.

    Edit: found this by searching "clojure last linear time":!topic/clojure/apkNXk08Xes seems relevant!

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    I'm not very familiar with Clojure so I could be talking rubbish here but I've thought of one argument in favour of B & C. Ideally we want to get the penultimate element of a lazy sequence using only constant memory. In A I assume counting a lazy sequence requires traversing that sequence but you're still holding onto the head of the sequence so that you can then index into it. Space leak!

    So I don't know if there's a nice solution that's both fast on vectors and memory efficient on lazy sequences (without explicitly asking lst "what are you" I guess).

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    The point is that lst might not be a linked list. The docstring is "Gets the second to last element of an ISeq". I wasn't suggesting converting lst to a vector so I don't understand the point of your AA. All I can do is second what ticking says above.

    Edit: wrote this before I saw your second reply.

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    Could you rerun the benchmarks with (vec (range 1 1000))?
    You'll brobably see that A is O(1) while the others are O(n).

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    Surely, readability factors into "best practices", especially when the difference between (arguably) the most readable solution and the most performant one is an average of around 0.02ms.

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    Argument for A: I think that your benchmarks would change if the sequence is something that you can index quickly into (like a vector). It also seems like the most natural approach. If someone hands you an unknown data structure that happens to be a sequence and asks for the penultimate member, just index into it and trust that nth will do the right thing for that data structure.

    I agree with you that best practice votes would be more useful if each vote was linked to a comment (so when you vote BP, either you make a new comment or upvote an existing one).