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    In the description the star increases by two hence every floor will have an odd number of stars.
    Just confused about the 'inconsistent' part...
    No such issue have been reported so far so How about you read the description again and try one more time?

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    The instructions don't match the test cases, and the test cases themselves are inconsistent. The in the expected output it adds two stars so each count is odd, but in the description it increases by one (odd, even, odd...). The spacing on the outside of the values is inconsistent in the test cases.

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    That's one of the main problems I had with this Kata. But as you said, it's not bad if you're exercising your programming skill (as I am).

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    A much faster way to calculate all divisors is to get the prime factors and find all combinations of the prime factors, then strain out the false positives. If you wanted to find all factors of 1 - 1000000 for instance, that would take several minutes the naieve way.

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    This kata requests a function that returns two different types of return values. This is BAD PRACTICE. This is a fine test of your programming skill, but it's a bad habit and promotes worst practices for writing re/usable code.

    If you are trying to learn how to write code (tactics) this is an OK exercise. If you are trying to learn how to write reusable code effectively (strategy) this is a POOR exercise.

    Have fun, just be aware! (I'm not sure if the "Issue" tag is appropriate; just let me know)

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    I have the same issue with another kata. I get this error message: "Submission timed out. Please try again.". I have tried to submit for over 30 minutes.
    Maybe there's a problem with the code runner or the submission system.

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    My solution won't evaluate in less than 6 seconds. My tests pass quickly, it runs well in a Ruby repl, but I can't get this site to even try anymore. Are there just too many test cases for it to even try?