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    Thank you for replying. I think its because i misunderstood the requirments. I thought that the VISA length is between 13 and 16 and because of that I thought that the test was meant for something else. My apolopgies... After seeing your explanation I was able to fully understand. Thank you for this lovly kata!

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    You have two tests that have the expected result as: "Values should not be equal: 'VISA'", but the kata expects VISA. You should change those tests to "Values should not be equal: 'Visa'" or delete them.
    Did this kata in javascript.

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    C# Version does not work. I get a "error CS0103: The name `Program' does not exist in the current context" error.
    Please update this kata...

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    Please clarify that you want to alias the MIN/MAX functions. I work in sql regularly and was very suppriesed that I dind't get this one right, until I looked at the discussion of this kata.
    Thank you for this kata!

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    Okay. Thank you.

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    I believe there is a mistake in the second example test in this kata.
    The second example test goes like this: "Assert.AreEqual(1,kata.MrOdd("ouddddbo"));", but the string hold the word "odd" twice. ouddddbo = odd, odd. The expected result should be 2.
    Am I mising somthing?

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    I believe the expected field was swithed with the "but was" field in the output section.

    "String lengths are both 8. Strings differ at index 0.
    Expected: "03:59:59"
    But was: "99:59:59"