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    Sorry, but this is my first translation.
    It's my fault.
    Thanks for the directions.

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    Yesterday, someone suggested changing the "unreadable" part of the description.
    I did not change the description of the task, so it came to my fork from the root.
    But I didn't know if the author was going to fix it.
    So I prepared my own fix to JS translation (in the second fork), but when I tried to save and republish the changes, the system gave errors.
    So I created a new fork and published it.
    At the moment, the JS version looks good.
    Honestly, I do not quite understand whether this is the result of changes in the second fork (it seems that despite the message about the error, it was saved), or these changes were made in the "global" description (judging by the task disscuss, such changes really made yesterday for the Python, which was the base for my fork).

    So, probably, this fork can be rejected.

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    I was just trying to correct mistakes in the description (break the examples into separate paragraphs).
    But this has already been done at the root.

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    This has been fixed.
    Could you check and approve?

  • Custom User Avatar

    This has been fixed.
    Could you check and approve?

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    JavaScript translation.
    Please, review and approve.

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    Thank you, @docgunthrop. You are right.
    However, it would be good if the task warned about the prohibition of argument mutation (this is not difficult to avoid, but why spend an extra line of code if not asked).

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    When I try to run a sample test I get this error (on the full test the code works fine).
    I do not have the "pos" variable in the code, so the problem is definitely not with my code))

    TypeError: pos is not iterable
    at vf
    at _
    at example_tests.forEach
    at Array.forEach
    at _
    at /runner/frameworks/javascript/cw-2.js:152:11
    at Promise._execute
    at Promise._resolveFromExecutor
    at new Promise
    at describe
    at /home/codewarrior/index.js:165:5
    at /home/codewarrior/index.js:211:5
    at Object.handleError