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    please, do not raise issues to ask for help, use questions instead

    print your input. your code has false positives, for example it returns 1 for [";~P", "; D"]. neither of these is a valid smiley according to the rule: P is not a valid mouth, and there can be no whitespace between the eyes and the mouth

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    I think there is somethin wrong in the random tests. For each of these three tests I have the same amount of smileys but the error is: "Test failed. Expected: 2 But was: 3".

    Has somemone the same problem?

    total = 2:
    "-P" "8)" ":-)" "8~P" ";)" "P" "-)" "8 ("

    total = 0:
    ";~P" "8("

    total = 2:
    "8D" ": D" "8 D" ";D" ":)" "8-P"

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