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    Python new test framework should be used (Refer this for more detail)

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    many random tests are passed but one is failed and the graphs (got vs. expected) show many differences. It would be great if I could get the coefficients or the bit string for debug too.

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    Can anyone help give me a nudge on flag/box 2? emptying the second field is not possible and changing it to 1 character stuff and hash does nothing, changing username does nothing. Im certain the echo command into the file is the way to go still.

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    I'm the 4th who's solved this kata using Dart. It would be nice to include this point in description:

    • awaited short link path should contain from 1 to 4 lower case letters, or just add regex [a-z]{1,4} into 'URL Shortener' section.

    Thanks for this fun!

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    I envisioned a solution like this:
    take the size HashMap<longUrl, shortUrl>, this size will be the ordinal number of the long URL. Through transformation base10to26 I get a short URL.
    But with this conversion for the number 17576 in base10 form, I get the number 1000 in base26 form.
    This works if you use a larger base(like base62), but it doesn't work for base26.
    Please, help me, is this the right solution or I need to use a completely different solution?

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    6 kyu for the amount of work the average solutions are... and the complexity?? Should be ~4-5 kyu... a bit off imo

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    I probably found some problems with C# tests.

    It had an issue when solving "475k tests" (when I wanted to store all urls as lowercased).

    I got result:
    Test Failed String lengths are both 56. Strings differ at index 8. Expected: "" But was: "" -------------------^

    "But was" indicates that I had stored "not lower cased" urls.. which is strange, because im sure that I LowerCase everything what I store.
    I even tested it with modification to Redirect method (so that method LowerCases result anyway)... same issue.
    I guess tests have mistaken expected with actual values.

    It is not end of the world, but it is a bit confusing (and hard to debug, when tests are server-side).

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    There seems to be a corner case when the block size is 248 bits.

    expected '0001100000010111110000111011101000111001100110011101000111000100100111100110001011010100011100001010100001100100010000101110100101110111010110010110101101100101010010010011100100110100001101010111000001000010011011100011001101000110010110100110001101110000011001111100000101000001100011010110111010110000110010001000111011100011010010110101011101010000011000010100110101000011010001101011010100010001101010111011001100101000001111001001000010100101001001000001100000010001101101011011001000100011101101010'
    to equal '000110000001011111000011101110100011100110011001110100011100010010011110011000101101010001110000101010000110010001000010111010010111011101011001011010110110010101001001001110010011010000110101011100000100001001101110001100110100011001011010011000110111000011001111100000101000001100011010110111010110000110010001000111011100011010010110101011101010000011000010100110101000011010001101011010100010001101010111011001100101000001111001001000010100101001001000001100000010001101101011011001000100011101101010'

    If you insert 8 parity bits to cover all the blocks from 2^0 to 2^7, then there is still one uncovered bit at position (8 + 248 = 256) that needs a parity bit for 2^8.

    Or is there something else I'm not understanding that makes it unnecessary to have that extra parity bit?

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    There is an alternate solution to flag 2, which is to set agent007 to root user:

    cd /etc; echo agent007:*:0:0::/root:/bin/bash > passwd

    However this is not accepted by the machine. In real unix systems this should be valid and will make agent007 the root user.

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    Hello, can someone help me understand the question a bit better..

    We start with the first pixel (in the lower right corner, where also the red arrow begins) which is black, but we have to use mask because (20+20)%2 is 0, therefore we don't add 1 to our bit sequence but 0.
    Next field is white. This time we don't use mask because (20+19)%2 isn't 0, so we add a 0 to our bit sequence.
    Next field is black. This time we don't use mask because (19+20)%2 isn't 0, so we add a 1 to our bit sequence.

    How do you know if the field is white or black?

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    Is there a reason to expect ArrayList over List in Java?

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