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    Now some dublecated points are added randomly to the inputs in the random tests.

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    My solution used to take around 2 secound. I reduces the amound of poins in the random tests and now it takes around 0.5 second in average. I tried also with dfhwze's sulotion and it was fast as well. Although your solution still slow, it takes two to three seconds.

    Is this enough or should I reduce the number of points more? How fast should it be?

    Also, should I rely on your solution to measure the speed of the tests or should I rely on mine and dfhwze's, since they are faster?

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    I did the random ones first, but now the fixed test are randomized in order also.

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    Yes, thanks, I noticed, I don't know why I wrote such bad tests.

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    Every input consists of at least three points, I have now explained this in the explanation and also I've added some notes.

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    Thank you so much for your feedbacks, I didn't know what I was doing.

    I made the tests more random and I fixed every thing you noted.

    Hope everything is fine now :)

    I searched a bit for a similar kata before writing it, but find noting, maybe its title wasn't very clear.

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