The specs say "Bill Gates" should return "B.G.". With the CodeWars website font, it appears there's no space in between "B." and "G."; Maybe revise the spec to say "Bill Gates" should return a space between each letter, but not the final letter?)
Agreed, but the description isn't specifying key words, it's making the point that it needs to be categorised a certain way if the first criteria is true, if the second is true or if both are true. If it just said OR, then it would suggest that it wouldnt apply if both were true.
I agree with the AND/OR, needing only the "OR" keyword.
Also, as a sidenote, to those of you who learned SQLite syntax first:
NOTE THAT AN ALIAS IN POSTgreSQL (and maybe others) doesn't accept DOUBLE QUOTES as an alias
WHEREAS SQLite will. (Eight hour lesson leanred the hard way.)
Great Kata; took me forever to figure out. Bad news is it took me like three hours, as I know SQLite and not POSTgreSQL. Good news is I learned a lot about the differences (I think.)
Yea - I get the strongest/weakest part, but still a bit unclear with the "return". To me, it was simply: return a query with this requested information; not "return a table with a new column created in it"; this is a difference between using AS (alias) and ALTER TABLE (new column), right?
this solution is very specific to this particular dataset (offset 49 limit 2), will not work if the number of rows changes in the sample...
The space is there. Added a note anyway.
The specs say "Bill Gates" should return "B.G.". With the CodeWars website font, it appears there's no space in between "B." and "G."; Maybe revise the spec to say "Bill Gates" should return a space between each letter, but not the final letter?)
See below
Agreed, but the description isn't specifying key words, it's making the point that it needs to be categorised a certain way if the first criteria is true, if the second is true or if both are true. If it just said OR, then it would suggest that it wouldnt apply if both were true.
I agree with the AND/OR, needing only the "OR" keyword.
Also, as a sidenote, to those of you who learned SQLite syntax first:
NOTE THAT AN ALIAS IN POSTgreSQL (and maybe others) doesn't accept DOUBLE QUOTES as an alias
WHEREAS SQLite will. (Eight hour lesson leanred the hard way.)
That's great! Good job :)
this is mostlikely due to how the SQL is parsed.
That "000","00" having to be "0" was dirty.
Good kata; pretty tough.
I don't know how this is only a 6; Should be at most a Level 5.
Great Kata; took me forever to figure out. Bad news is it took me like three hours, as I know SQLite and not POSTgreSQL. Good news is I learned a lot about the differences (I think.)
Fair enough, I'll make the description clearer that it's expecting an alias.
Yea - I get the strongest/weakest part, but still a bit unclear with the "return". To me, it was simply: return a query with this requested information; not "return a table with a new column created in it"; this is a difference between using AS (alias) and ALTER TABLE (new column), right?
I was under the impression SQL queries end in a semicolon.
The check case is bugging out this. Might want to recheck your Ruby code.
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