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    i think math tag should be added

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    its in clojure and still not fixed

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    in what exactly am i terribly wrong?

    it is irrelevant how much time he spent, it is even irrelevant who did this kata.

    "It's not kyu 8 kata, it's kyu 5 and all kata of this level are expected to be solved by a more advanced algorithm than a brute force one."
    where is this written?
    and why is this a bad idea to write that again in description? you can obviusly see how many people try to solve it with bruteforce at first, because that is the easiest solution.

    also what you think about g964 answer

    the tests are designed to fail for bruteforce solutions

    "Not at all..."

    is it possible to solve this with bruteforce?
    based on your answer i think it is not possible.

    well if it is impossible then it is a condition that is implicit(if there is somewhere written that all 5 kyu cant be solved with bruteforce in any language).
    why is this a problem to make this condition explicit?

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    in clojure

    first is a bad name there is already first
    commas instead of spaces in vector is also bad

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    numbers are only from (1 or 0) to 99?

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    after 4 years still works

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    why d that is 060 becomes 60 in clojure?
    (def d 060)
    (= d 48) ;; true

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    at clojure how data looks like?

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    its still broken right?

    i get:
    Could not locate kata/lowercase_count:refer/lowercase_count__init.class or kata/lowercase_count:refer/lowercase_count.clj on classpath.

    Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name.

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    tests have only
    "!" and "?"
    as punctuation marks

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    how is this an answer?
    it is irrelevant whether tests are same or not across languages.
    and it is irrelevant how many people passed.

    there is an issue with description which doesnt mention that you cant solve this kata by brute force which is what anyone would try first.

    solving it without brute force requires absolutely different approach, but somewhy everyone has to figure this out, why?
    or you wanna say someone solved this with brute force?

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