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    Thank you for the responce @akar-0.

    I did manage that.
    As always I am suprised of other's solutions :smile: ...

    A good kata.

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    But looking at example where's here 1/4 ?

    C1 = [0; 1/3], [2/3; 1]

    PS: I probably missing something .... :(

    PS2: Seems like I'm starting to get the idea

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    Hi there, interesting kata (not yet passed :()

    Just got a failed test '_4_denominator_not_a_power_of_3' in C translation

    num = 1
    den = 4
    n   = 1
    Submitted: false
    Expected:  true

    Is this correct?

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    Hi great kata (especially the description :))

    I've created a Rust translation but it doesn't contain random tests.

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    Hey I also run into such an issue.
    I did reset it didn't help.

    I am confident to say that it's not an issue in my code.

    Also I can state that the issue is not determenistic.
    For example I've got an error on such data [][]int{{165, 526}, {510, 397}}.
    I created my own test with it and it works.

    BTW: thanks for a great kata

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    Thank you for a great kata @darrentburgess.

    I've eventually coped with it. (Not sure if it's a decent solution, but it works :))

    And I would like to notice that in rust basic tests there's two tiny syntax errors
    cannot find function `encodeRailFenceCipher` in this scope .
    The fix is to rename the function.

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    Hi, thanks for the cata.

    I'd like to notice that in rust when we try to run basic tests we get an error error[E0425]: cannot find function `add` in this scope.

    As I see there's no basic tests at all and I don't know if it was intentional to make it more intriguing. Which seems to me be a good idea.
    But might in this case better to remove the test which privides the error to not bother new-comer rustoceans :)

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    Hi @kirbylife, thanks for the translation I just finished it.

    I would like to notice that in the setup part of the translation, more precisely in function return value you forgot to add parentheses.
    So there is a syntax error there.

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    Hey thanks for the kata (Eventhouth I didn't solve it accurately :( ).

    I'd like to pointed out that in rust User's sample tests there's a missed use crate::next_higher.

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    Jaw-dropping cata!)
    It was extremely interesting.

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    Can someone help me?
    My code has complexity about O(n) but is timeouted.
    Might you give me some hints?

  • Custom User Avatar

    good solution

  • Custom User Avatar

    this is awesome!