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    If there are duplicate entries you should just keep the one with the highest score.
    Return as much results as possible, in the test case just 1.

    "Should equal" is the result you are expected to give. You need to sort them alphabetically also, that's why Frank is before Frodo.

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    Works properly now for me too. Good job fixing it.

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    Random test are not working is JS, as it doesn't sort them alphabetically properly. Here's a test I failed

    Expected: [['Jeremy', 102], ['Josephine', 102], ['Jill', 102], ['Jared', 102], ['Jackson', 102], ['John', 102], ['Joe', 101], ['Joel', 100], ['Jude', 100]], instead got: [['Jackson', 102], ['Jared', 102], ['Jeremy', 102], ['Jill', 102], ['John', 102], ['Josephine', 102], ['Joe', 101], ['Joel', 100], ['Jude', 100]]

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    Ah I feel like an idiot now. Sorry for the fuss up.
    Getting this kata finally was very enjoyable.
    Also isPalindrome is faster as a string. Will need to look up why.

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