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    Solved the kata, my algorythm wasn't good.

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    I wrote the code with the simple and optimal solution. However, when I try to submit, I have the problem that it displays that it wants to remove from a 0 pile. I don't know what the problem can be, since when I run the function on my computer, with the given input, my computer displays the correct move.

    For example the error message: "Exception: Cannot remove 6 straws from board position 0 (which has 0 straws)
    Board state: (0, 6, 5, 5)" shows up. But when I run my function on [0,6,5,5], it returns (2,6) on my computer.

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    Thanks. Problem solved. Noob error.

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    All 8 test passed, but there is an error message:
    Test usage
    Translate characters
    in init
    AssertionError: Too many wires

    I am new to Code Wars as well as python. Can you please tell me what's wrong?
    Btw "Too many wires" is an error I raise when there are more than 20 characters in wires.
    I also pass empty imput.