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    needs this tests cases : ["moa", "moe", "moi", "moo", "mou", "mua"]

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    Note that order matters

    which order ? order of appearance in the input ? alphabetical order ?

    also, the Python code snippet should be removed, users do not need that kind of help for a 5 kyu, and it is unfair for users of other languages

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    needs tests cases where the same word is part of several solutions, e.g.

    [["aba", "eba", "iba", "oba", "uba"], ["aba", "abe", "abi", "abo", "abu"]]
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    Fixed in the latest fork

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    I'm just saying that my function, receiving test data at the input, gives the correct answer.

    clearly not if it fails tests.

    Are you suggesting I dig into your test? ;)

    if a test case is found that your code fails, then yes you should look at that test case.

    your test

    it's not mine any more than it is yours

    "There is/are 1 solution(s) in this list of words: <module 'codewars_test' from '/workspace/default/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/codewars_test/'>"

    yeah that's gibberish. but you can still look at the test case, as mentioned, by printing, which is quite common on codewars. and you won't get that test output any more (you'll need to reset to get the new basic tests or just use the test/submit button instead)

    But it seemed to me that you yourself would be interested in what is wrong with the test. ;)

    you haven't shown anything to be wrong

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    I understood. The test asks for a list of lists. Even if there is only one solution.

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    fixed, and @avermakov added some random tests

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    show, don't tell. provide actionable information.

    (and in particular, because comments worded this way (saying there's a problem but not demonstrating it in any way) indicate that you haven't understood what happened and as such you don't know that the problem is with the kata rather than with your own code, and if someone that doesn't know what happened wrote code, then it's probably that code which is wrong. it might not be that way, but if it is that way then you're likely to express it like you did, and therefore when someone expresses it this way then it usually is this way)

    this kata for python wasn't providing much more feedback than "wrong", but I mean you could still print and you're 2 kyu so you know that. just the same, I approved an update that was pending with better feedback which will show you input/output

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    My solution works for me in Jupiter Notebook. But something in your tests does not allow it to work out correctly. Check it, please.

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    I copied the js tests

    however, the random tests are just subsets of one of the fixed tests. basically, the kata isn't finished.

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    Python tests need a major overhaul:

    • Test inputs should not be put into preloaded snippet
    • Only one set of inputs is used, the short/medium/very long inputs are unused
    • Test feedback could be improved
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    Your tests don't see my solutions. I don't know why. I understand that they are not all correct and complete, but where the solution exactly works, I see the red message. Check it, please.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    PHP translation to be evaluated

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    Fixed just now.

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