The variable formatting should be compliant with PEP8 regarding good practices, as this platform provides an environment to practice skills in any given language.
Correct formatting would be snake_case, instead of "UPPER_CASE".
It is a Kata issue because my code solves the provided tests and also fulfills the lines of code requirement, it even compels with a lower amount.
It is not true that I could have copied previous solutions because:
1º Previous solutions need to be seen by my account having the Kata completed (this is not completed yet as of this issue preventing this completion)
2º Other solutions would not have encountered this issue (ergo, those solutions do not prompt this issue)
The issue is because the author demands a specific code to be presented, which is against the very basics of programming as there are multiple ways to solve a specific task.
In Python
I tested 2 solutions, both passed all test cases, but won't be accepted as valid solutions because they don't contain the specific "keywords" the author wants.
Extremely difficult and satisfying to complete.
Extremely inaccurate and inappropriate for 8 Kyu, as it doesn't help beginners to improve but actually challenges pre acquired skills.
It is suggested to update to the correct Kyu.
I just wanted to say that this was one of the best Katas I've ever solved, extremely grateful for this challenge, it's really witty and satisfactory to complete.
The variable formatting should be compliant with PEP8 regarding good practices, as this platform provides an environment to practice skills in any given language.
Correct formatting would be snake_case, instead of "UPPER_CASE".
It is a Kata issue because my code solves the provided tests and also fulfills the lines of code requirement, it even compels with a lower amount.
It is not true that I could have copied previous solutions because:
1º Previous solutions need to be seen by my account having the Kata completed (this is not completed yet as of this issue preventing this completion)
2º Other solutions would not have encountered this issue (ergo, those solutions do not prompt this issue)
The issue is because the author demands a specific code to be presented, which is against the very basics of programming as there are multiple ways to solve a specific task.
In Python
I tested 2 solutions, both passed all test cases, but won't be accepted as valid solutions because they don't contain the specific "keywords" the author wants.
Python solution doesnt' comply with PEP8, which implies bad practices.
Also, code format is not clear.
This should get fixed.
Doesn't fix the issue nor the suggestion.
My solution pass all tests, but still won't be accepted because it's not the exact solution the kumiter pretends me to offer.
This goes against programming as an idea.
Also, this is not 8 Kyu, so it has to be corrected
Extremely difficult and satisfying to complete.
Extremely inaccurate and inappropriate for 8 Kyu, as it doesn't help beginners to improve but actually challenges pre acquired skills.
It is suggested to update to the correct Kyu.
Utterly incorrect Kata level assigned, doesn't matter if it's "automatic", it's clearly incorrect.
That being said, not a beginner Kata at all, change the description pls, and thanks in advance.
True! Thanks so much for the explanation ;)!!
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
"Round Down", fair enough, mb and I apologize.
About the measuring of 50 chars, how does it exactly work ? Still a mistery, but will try again.
Not that bad, it's just a minor mistake. Suggest "Nice!" instead of "Nice" and it's done.
I just wanted to say that this was one of the best Katas I've ever solved, extremely grateful for this challenge, it's really witty and satisfactory to complete.
Keep it up!!!
I already made it in exactly 50 chars, could shorten it a bit more. Still returns an error, please help me Master B4B :)!
Bugged as hell, already completed it in exactly 50 chars, passes both all fixed and random tests, and still returns a wrong len check about my code.
How can we fix this ?
Also, the "round" part is unclear as it does not specify if it requires ceiling or flooring.
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