A string multiplying with a negative number results in an empty string ""
Python tolerates out-of-range indexes, [-4:] it will lead to the original one
Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all capital letters with underscores separating words. Examples include MAX_OVERFLOW and TOTAL.
no PEP8 violation here. STRANGE_STRING is a constant
I see, that is a different issue. That should be a perfectly valid solution. I'm not sure why the tests are written like this, but the same check is done in JavaScript.
The latest code submitted by OP that passes the test will be shown whilst other previous submitted code will be overriden...(upon clicking View Solution) Hence, we can't be sure if that solution is OP's original one or he copied solutions to test the kata out. But seeing the number of solves, it can be assumed that either it is exceeding the character limit or OP is using a higher version of Python with syntaxes yet to be supported in current setup of CW
Not a kata issue! This is supposed to be a puzzle, hence the description should not give too much detail regarding the output code format. Also, which part is not complying with PEP8??
FYI, almost 800 coders solve it in Python, so it is unlikely that the kata has issue
Not a kata issue! You miss this line --> Your task is to shorten the code as much as possible in order to meet the strict character count requirements of the Kata. (no more than 161)
There isn't an issue to fix and, like I mentioned in my previous comment, ranks can't be changed, so there's no reason for your suggestion to remain open, hence it was marked as resolved.
A string multiplying with a negative number results in an empty string ""
Python tolerates out-of-range indexes, [-4:] it will lead to the original one
no PEP8 violation here.
is a constantthank you, hero!
I see, that is a different issue. That should be a perfectly valid solution. I'm not sure why the tests are written like this, but the same check is done in JavaScript.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I think the issue is that the description mentions a character limit of 161, but the actual limit varies depending on the language. See:
The latest code submitted by OP that passes the test will be shown whilst other previous submitted code will be overriden...(upon clicking
View Solution
) Hence, we can't be sure if that solution is OP's original one or he copied solutions to test the kata out. But seeing the number of solves, it can be assumed that either it is exceeding the character limit or OP is using a higher version of Python with syntaxes yet to be supported in current setup of CW... but the OP's code fits this requirement?
Not a kata issue! This is supposed to be a puzzle, hence the description should not give too much detail regarding the output code format. Also, which part is not complying with PEP8??
FYI, almost 800 coders solve it in Python, so it is unlikely that the kata has issue
Not a kata issue! You miss this line -->
Your task is to shorten the code as much as possible in order to meet the strict character count requirements of the Kata. (no more than 161)
There isn't an issue to fix and, like I mentioned in my previous comment, ranks can't be changed, so there's no reason for your suggestion to remain open, hence it was marked as resolved.
In what language?
EDIT: I think you mean Python, and indeed, I think your solution looks sound.
Ranks can't be changed.
It's fairly easy in python too btw, but I think there is a checking error about whitch I have already commented
Not a kata issue. 8 kyu is perfectly fine for the original language (javascript).
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