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    Dang! I'd pasted about five in the Example Test Cases, but must have exited the browser too fast. Will fix that later tonight/tomorrow a.m. Thanks for pointing out.

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    Thanks. You mean no random tests, perhaps? There are about 10 test cases that pass.

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    Will add some random tests, thanks for pointing this out. Haven't used the kata editor in a long while, so I just followed the 'inserted' example Codewars provide, there didn't seem to be a link to more detailed documentation.

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    Hi there and thanks for the comment.

    An updated reply:
    I had a look at what the user sees and, indeed, the text containing the duplicate words had not been saved, so there was nothing for people to work on. I've pasted it again and I hope that it's now been saved. I'd like to soft-wrap the sample text, but I'm not sure how to do this on Codewars, so I'll place it in the description too for people to read more easily.

    If you do take another look, please let me know whether the edit is visible and, if the kata is now OK, whether 6 kyu is about right or not.

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    In real lifethere may be such problems indeed; I've read a couple of interesting articles on the shortcomings of JavaScript when it comes to unicode while researching my kata. However, testing my solution on a few online testers outside Codewars returned the correct results, exactly as expected.

    At the moment I'm more worried that I may have underestimated the level of difficulty the kata presents. As you're right there at the top, with 1 kyu, you might be better placed to judge that.So if you and other experienced Codewars members think that the kata should be in the 5 kyu category, I'd change the classification.

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    Actually, if anyone takes a look at this kata, I'd appreciate some feedback on the estimated level of difficulty. I set it to 6 kyu, being a newbie myself, but I wonder whether 5 kyu might be more appropriate.

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    Hi, well, yes and no. A glyph for capital Eszett was formally introduced barely a year ago, but there are no existing words with a capital 'ẞ'. Of course, anyone who decides to solve the kata is welcome to try out the capital version in a made-up word, but they'd have to write their own text to test. More on the capital 'ẞ' here, if you're interested.

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    Oh, but I did work entirely in Codewars. I just imported a Morse dictionary specifically designed for JavaScript that I chanced upon. It was provided by a professional developer, so I thought it'd be up to scratch. Besides, one might expect puzzles that refer to existing codes, dictionaries, languages, etc. to work with whatever is considered standard for those codes/dictionaries/languages/etc. :-)

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    Could I suggest that the 'NOTE' in the instructions is rephrased? Warning people to 'ignore' something is typically taken to mean that they should pay no attention to it. Having finally solved the kata, I realised that, in fact, I had to make sure that I take empty spaces at the beginning and end of the coded text into account and do something to deal with them. Reading some of the comments, I suspect that others may be similarly misunderstanding that instruction. This bit makes it more of a 5-kyu challenge, though, I think.
    Other than that, a nice challenge.

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    I liked the challenge, but it nearly drove me nuts, as it failed again and again two specific advanced tests. Without giving away any spoilers, two tips to anyone similarly frustrated:

    • first, check the Morse dictionary you're using and make sure that it's complete. The one I initially used (copied from a pro's page too...) turned out to be incomplete and thus useless.
    • Second: ignore the 'should be ignored' bit in the instructions! This is likely unintentionally misleading, because, in fact, you need to do the exact opposite and take empty spaces into account when devising your solution. Good luck.
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    I like the brief, clear description but perhaps you'd like to add a little extra challenge, besides checking whether a number is a palindrome?

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    Hi and thanks for replying. Please see the concrete examples I mention in my comment. In my view, it'd be helpful if the instructions made clear whether

    • valid numbers can begin with any digit or only specific digits
    • valid numbers can begin with or have any number of interpolate spaces
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