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    Difficulty isn't an issue.

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    Why would you import a dictionary of your own if one is already provided for you in the kata?

    From my point of view, the dictionary I provided fits standards. :)
    But unfortunately, there're many Morse code standards in use, and they differ slightly.
    To avoid these discrepancies and ensuing confusion, I've chosen one that I liked most and put it into the kata for everybody to use.
    You decided to use your own - okay, your freedom, your choice. :)

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    Well, that's a bit straightforward I think.

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    I don't understand what's wrong with "should be ignored" either. It's about ignoring spaces, not ingoring the possibility of their presence.

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    The CodeWars kata are designed to be tested and run on CodeWars.
    Assuming that you could easily reproduce the environment outside of CodeWars is presumptuous. :)
    I put the Morse code dictionary inside the Kata for a reason, including saving people from doing stupid job of finding the right dictionary, making sure it fits the tests and coding in a particular programming language.
    If you're certain you don't want to work on your solution here on CodeWars, you can at least put some effort to extracting the Morse code dictionay from the kata and using exactly it in your outside environment.

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    Hi. Thanks for bringing this up.
    I would hardly understand the word 'ignore' the way you describe it, but I'm not a native English speaker so you're probably right.
    Would you suggest a better wording for this note?

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    This Kata if of type puzzle so it can be even without any description. If you have a concise suggestion on how to modify description please don't hesitate to tell me.