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    What happened with the honor points?
    Were the points per kyu level changed?

    I used to have much less points if I recall correctly, and someone in my group was neck & neck with me, now my points are in the 800's and 2x theirs. I think we used to be in the 100's. What's up with this change? It seems to be rampant looking through the posts in here, and there's nothing communicated on the blog since about a year ago.

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    Very interesting how you reverse at the end. I tried something like this but didn't have my reverse inside of the forEach so I had to verify I still had an array left to work with or it would throw an error.

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    Normally you would client-side debug something and you'd see the source but you have to figure out how to remote debug since the source resides on the server.

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    This is like the brute force method, ineffective, but clever :)