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    The expected value for Douglas Adam's description in the first test needs updating:

    -> should now be: "English author and humourist (1952–2001)" as per the "en" value in JSON response now.

    Can you please fix that so we can submit?

    (All other test cases are good and passing though. I'm not getting the issue mentioned by Iron Fingers, below.)

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    The tests seem to compare against either en-us or just en. They should stick to one. See below:

    expected: {:DESCRIPTION=>"third planet from the Sun in the Solar System", :ID=>"Q2", :LABEL=>"Earth"}
    got: {:DESCRIPTION=>"third planet from the sun in the solar system", :ID=>"Q2", :LABEL=>"Earth"}

    This is for Q2. As you can see the case varies. This is because the comparison is against en here while for Q42 it was against en-us.

  • Custom User Avatar

    for link with id Q42 the description in en and en-us are different (en-us value is taken in the tests, although the instructions say to take the en value). Anyway kata is very interesting, first time working with the API :P

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    Feedback: I would put in a concise summary at the very beginning. It took me a moment to understand the scope.

    There isn't any mention of what should be returned if the input string is empty. Will this not happen in this kata? If so, maybe mention that.

    Should the quotes preserve leading or trailing whitespaces inside them? Or is that an edgecase that won't exist?

    This looks like a fun challenge!

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    You're not supposed to copy problems from other websites. Even giving credits, some do not allow it. Leetcode is one of those. Unpublishing.


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    Also, wordle word checking is a duplicate of

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    Reference solution and fixed tests does not take account of the actual counts of a letter in the solution. e.g:

    guess: PMPF2
    solution: D4WEP
    return values: (0, 1) should equal (0, 2)

    There are 2 P in the guess but only 1 P in solution, which in any wordle only 1 of the Ps will be counted yellow.

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    Some fixed/sample tests have incorrect display text, such as

    test.assert_equals(codewordle("vivid","livid"),(4,1),"guess: vivid\nsolution: lilly\nreturn values")
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    Python function param in initial solution setup should not be input, it's a built-in function and this will shadow the built-in.

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    I think the kata could be made more interesting if they were cases for leading or trailing spaces and the description should definitely specify the format of the input string given

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    This kata is a combination of this and this, hence a duplicate

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    How is this relevant to BF?