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I, as an amateur coder, found a lot of fun playing with pentomino problems..
So I just wanted to share!!
Really nice kata, thanks, I had fun solving it :)
It says what it is. With a link. What more do you want?
tf is this meant to be
Yes you're right. I just get this error when I print the larger int values. I guess the ints get converted to strings first, and there's a limit on string lengths.
"ValueError: Exceeds the limit (4300) for integer string conversion; use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limit"
See above, this occurs when you print the integer value.
In particular I don't think you can solve the problem without a call to this:
Did you ban
? It's needed for large ints in Python.Oh sorry man, I got busy with work. Was going to do it today. Thanks for helping me with it - and then doing it.
I updated the Go translation myself.
The author does not have to be active for a translation to get accepted.
See my reply above. Please create a new fork of your translation with all updates. I will check it and approve it.
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Thanks! Now i see a huge red message like this: " expected [ ... ] to equal [ ... ] "
I improved my code, but still cant get a right solution. Now it is "STDERR Max Buffer Size Reached (1.5 MiB)".
All test passed except "Big numbers". Sometimes one or two "Big numbers" tests are green too, but others failed.
Ok I've done that.
I ended up just putting in the larger powers of 10 in the format 100_000_000_000_000. I hope that's OK?
I ran it gain, all fine. Then I published again and got an error about failed tests?
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