Missing a test assert.deepEqual( getDividers([127],[7]), [ 1, 127, 16129, 2048383, 260144641, 33038369407, 4195872914689, 532875860165503 ] );.
It's not often I propose performance tests, but allowing solutions to find factors by enumerating up to the given number that is passed in prefactored is ridiculous. ( And people vote it Best Practice, and that just galls me. )
Nice kata, it shares some similarities with other ones like using a mathematical approach rather than something else.
More simply, return all factors of x in a sorted array from lowest to highest.
Missing a test
assert.deepEqual( getDividers([127],[7]), [ 1, 127, 16129, 2048383, 260144641, 33038369407, 4195872914689, 532875860165503 ] );
.It's not often I propose performance tests, but allowing solutions to find factors by enumerating up to the given number that is passed in prefactored is ridiculous. ( And people vote it Best Practice, and that just galls me. )
( JS )
Random tests are vulnerable to input modification
thank you sm!
love this kata thank you very much. made my day
Couldn't be any clearer :) I'll try that next time!!
Thanks for your contribution, but this Kata seems to be a duplicate of this one and will be deleted soon I guess.
In random test there are unsorted lists, lists with duplicates, ...
A random sorted list without duplicates can be generated with
A kata can't be deleted if it has been attempted/solved by someone else. You can still unpublish it though.
Alright I understand! I can't seem to delete this Kata myself for the moment tho, I'll try later or let someone delete it manually :)
Thank you! :)
This kata seems to be fine, I guess, so I can assign a rank for it and get it out from beta:
Therefore, this kata is approved with 6 kyu rank, congrats :)
I guess it's in a way that it's more fun! (I hope so) And with different ways to process the data!
Thanks for your contribution once again! Random tests yet again haha
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