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    Can you please edit the writing part? It is pretty ugly and confusing. It can be done better. :)

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    Random Test is Not random enough.

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    Trivial map/filter/reduce is not a novel kata idea.

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    js sample tests are broken

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    The description has the following example:

    nole(5) = 5 * 1/4 * 3 * 1/2 * 1

    But the reference solution computes:

    nole(5) = 1 * 1/2 * 3 * 1/4 * 5

    These result may be different if computations are done with floating-point numbers (for example, they are different for n = 10). You may either:

    1. Compare result with assert_approx_equals.

    2. Clearly specify the order of all operations (not recommended).

    3. Compute and test exact results using Fraction.