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    Can you please explain it? I see it as great solution with bitwise left shift but honestly I do not get why it works.

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    Yeah, nice solution. That while is like big slap to creator what denied if, switch and ?: :D

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    Please note in description, that before final "big tests" stock should be always "reseted". Because with your constructor one time, it subtract and solver can riddle why - and that IMO should not be part of kata.

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    Nope. It is not only hard, but also used technology specifications. See

    Here is not imho • no pressure on utilizing, • no advantage design pattern - one while, one for loop and list ... •I do not think intricate business requirements, • also no advanced concepts.

    4 kyu kata represent a competent programming level. At this level, the kata begin to take some serious thought to complete. They include tasks that may handle:

    Computer science concepts utilizing complex algorithms
    Advanced design patterns
    Understanding intricate business requirements
    Advanced concepts such as concurrency, parallelism, meta programming and cryptography

  • Custom User Avatar first view it was "easy peasy" after while it was "ehmm...."

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    Woooo...great :D. I hope I would know that. I told to myself, no way this is 8 :D (see my solution)

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    That with Arthas and Lisa was very good. Was it intentional? @frkn2076

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    One of the "harder 7kyu"s

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    Sorry for readers. I have not know about ModPow in BI :D so this is completely from head and that step with "iDunnoWhyItWorks" I would like to explain from somebody who knows the answer :D

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    Hi, in description is (3, 3) -----> 1 (3^3 = 9) 3^3 really 9? :) .

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    Very nice. It is like chalk and cheese :). Great work (y)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    To me description was real pain and is necessary to do redo. I read it at least 5 times. Would be good to put it in points. Is not necessary to have this "Far far away" style. If something in description is not necessary delete it. Maybe these interesting facts about "Cornhole", put it in link there like "if you are interested in past of game and ...". I fully believe that riddle a description is not a part of katas :D.

    IMHO - it is ruining very very good kata.

    Example of the "error part" in description. (Clear, nothing more than necessary).

    Error is when:
    • Final score of any team is bigger than 21
    • Arrays are not exactly 4
    • Are used digits different than 0,1,3
    • Arrays have not same length

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    Please change format of snapshot parameter for C#. Massive part of time took make here work my VS version, where I coppied it from examples and it gave me "\r\n ".

    I think everybody who solves it here know Split functions, so IMHO no point to make this worse than necessary.

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