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    Has anyone seen the picture announced in the description ?

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    I agree , yesterday I wrote a post with the same source above. I am a newbye in round function :)

    Nevertheless, to avoid issues with the different modes of calculations, dont you think that an unique rounding is more appropriate.

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    sorry to have launched such an animated discussion :) , but I discovered the strange behaviour of round with that kata :

    370+370 * 0.15 = 425.5 and round(370+370 * 0.15) = 426

    270+270 * 0.15 = 310.5 and round(270+270 * 0.15) = 310

    the result depends on the parity of the last unit before the dot .

    In that kata , IMHO , the issue is that we understand we must made a first rounding to get an integer and after a second rounding to round to 5 if the unit of the first rounding is between 1 and 4. ( the same with values between 6 and 9 to round to the next tenth)

    With an unique rounding (the second one) , no issue : if the result is >x0.0 , you round the price with x5. with a result >x5.0 you round the price to (x+1)0

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    Now it works , without changing my code.

    I read the python doc on 'round' and was a bit surprised : "For the built-in types supporting round(), values are rounded to the closest multiple of 10 to the power minus ndigits; if two multiples are equally close, rounding is done toward the even choice (so, for example, both round(0.5) and round(-0.5) are 0, and round(1.5) is 2)."

    Strange for me , but it works as described.

    Edit :
    so for x0.5 it is rounded to x0 , and for x5.5 , it is rounded to x6 and in our kata you round the price to the next tenth (x+1)0

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    in Python roundings with xx0.5 value change from one test to another :

    sometimes , it is rounded to 0 , sometimes to 1, so the final result is xx0 or xx5 , but randomly : for me it's not understandable (same issue than FArekkusu below)

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    2 tries to pass , because the rounding was not the same in one random test

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    What is the use of the 3rd parameter : size of the grid ?

    The length of the 1st parameter : grid has the same value

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    I gave up and look at the others'solution .

    Surprise : the second one is very similar to mine

    Strange !

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    I'm waiting for the python version to rank this kata , but IMHO it must be approximatively ranked as part II.
    A bit more complex, but same mechanisms are involved.

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    No indications about the number of random tests : timed out with 100 passed tests ?

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    didn't know this sum function on lists , need to explore

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    Forget, passed after rereading

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    sorry, but unable tu understand the results of the task "buy" even with the tries of explanation below :

    when you begin with harvested apple and buy orange , have you only orange at this moment or apple+orange in your stock ?

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    A random tests on negative rounded values failed. Another try with same code has been successfull.
    I saw that it was already previously araised, and recently annouced as solved.
    Still an issue ?

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    Why not. Pls could you write a solution corresponding to your proposal

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