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    Yes, but this can be relatively simple, like "round to nearest cent, half to even". That's exactly what the banker's rounding is for. The whole point is to round a fration (which can be done precisely), and not a float (which can be ambigous).

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    ok, but that requires that additional unambiguous specification, so.

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    That's the thing, it does not really. $5.99 is a precise value, 17% is a precise value, multiplying two fractions yields a precise fraction, and rounding of fractions of money is defined precisely and unambigously.

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    well, it's only about shifting the comma two places left. Meaning, there are still roundings here and there. Multiplying cents by 0.17 (percents) still gives a float.

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    Why not? When you have real money with real coins and notes, you can add 15% to a price and this calculation always ends up with a precisely known value and it's not a subject to any ambiguities of rounding? Or is it?

    I.e. handling of monetary values is always precisely defined, otherwise accounting as a whole domain would end up imprecise.

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    but it doesn't really resolve the rounding troubles when a ratio is involved, does it? (like her: x 1.15)

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    Decimal numeric types are suported quite widely, but not completely. Alternatives for languages which do not have native decimal type is to perform calcualtions using cents as integers, or a tuple of (dollars, cents). You (i.e. both authors and solvers) can pick any internal representation they want for calcualtions, and present the result as a formatted string to make the interface representation-neutral. Or just make the numeric representation stick out of the interface, if authors prefer.

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    You talking about decimal I guess. Does that even work for all languages?

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    Floating points in strings are always horrible

    The numbers in question are prices, and prices are not really floating point numbers. Having string-formatted prices is not a problem in itself, the problem is using floating point numbers for prices.

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    Ah, I see your edit now, since the other didn't work. Anyway, I've got something which I believe works as well.

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    kinda. Just use a custom generator, and keep generating values as long as abs(v*1.15%5 - 0.5) < 1e-9)

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    basically, I should calculate both round(x * 1.15) and x + round(x*0.15), and when these differ, generate a new number, that should be it, right?

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    looks quite complicated when it comes to maintainability. Morevoer, if the tests are converting everything, returning a string in the first place doesn't really make sense. Couldn't you instead tweak the random value generator?

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    Current Python version allows both. To me that seems the most user friendly solution. What say you?

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    see issue/suggestion above

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