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    I feel the intention of this kata was to solve it as a reinforcement learning task but most of the solutions have taken an straight approach. In my opinion Actions list should be not fixed so the algorithm must adapt itself to give the correct solution.
    Apart from this the description of the problem makes it difficult to understand.
    Anyway I like it very much as it has some similarities to tipical bandit problems of Reinforcement Learning.

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    It looks like a cache issue.
    Now it appears correctly.
    Thanks guys!!!

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    Hi, similar to the previous post. I submitted Kata Simple Fun #27: Rectangle Rotation - 4 Kyu. My points went over 800 I checked other solutions for a while and now I realized that they went down to 775 points. Simple fun suposedly is a 4 KYu (55 points Kata). Now I have the feeling that something similar happended with other recent Katas. It looks like the U2 song "Stuck in a moment"

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    I passed the test but the attemp failed with message "Should return expected results"
    I compared my results and the expected results and are completely the same in a Spreadsheet compare.
    No spaces in my solution.
    How to act when you think there could be an error in the testing Unit?
    I'm quite new in Codewars.
