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Collections are a way for you to organize kata so that you can create your own training routines. Every collection you create is public and automatically sharable with other warriors. After you have added a few kata to a collection you and others can train on the kata contained within the collection.
Get started now by creating a new collection.
Enabled Ruby 3.0
Used Katex + made the description language agnostic
Simplified random tests
Done in this fork
Done in this fork
Ruby 3.0 enabled in this fork
Ruby 3.0 enabled in this fork
Done in this fork
Enabled in this fork
Enabled Ruby 3.0 [1]
Made the description language agnostic [2]
Simplified random tests
Fixed an error when checking the length
Set.new(ary) != 1
-->ary.uniq.size != 1
Calling refsol from the user solution still passes all the random tests
About author solution:
takes the whole pot, but the pot value is not reduced to 0Hei
takes half of the pot, but lost a coin when the pot value is oddEnabled Ruby 3.0 [1] & Made description language agnostic [2]
All done in this fork
Expected solution is affected by input mutation.
To resolve this, compute the expected solution first before running the user solution method.
Reference solution method is accessible from the user solution, change it to a Proc /
insteadNew test framework already done in this fork
Parameter name fixed in this fork
d the param name [1]Moved user function inside the it block [2]
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