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Approved. 7kyu average rank
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You are a hard working person :)
In random tests you sholdn't recareate object Battle before each call of play_turn.
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Nice challenging kata. People usually afraid of katas with long description. But this description covers all cases with examples. Small issue: there are unmatched brackets in last two examples in description. Suggest tag: ASCII Art.
The function failed! f(x) = 24.3+(83.3/(69.3*(x^x*x^42.3-9.7^76.5/87.9^x*92.5^2.5)^x/log(x*4.7^x/49.3)^28.4-21.2)^x/x), x = (-4.69,8.75)
Expected: equal to (24.3,7.17589e-06) (+/- (0.0078125,0.001))
Actual: (1.03767e+18,-1.20504e+19)
wolframalpha gives me result: 1.03767×10^18 - 1.20504×10^19 i
It's hard to find solution, including mine, which will have chance to pass random tests in first ten attmpts.
Harder version of simular kata, for those who solved this one. https://www.codewars.com/kata/5a13d36046d843105e000106
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