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    Yeah, forgot to mention the completions on Dart XD.

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    74 completions out of 15,733 (with me it is now 75)... Just impossible!

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    Oh come on! I misunderstood what was expected from me! If only you showed the way the S-odd and S-even were supposed to be concatenated. I just made S-odd + S-even, cause of my understanding of this kata instructions.

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    (Not urgent)

    I solved this kata on JS and something confused me. So at last I pressed the test button (same was on attempt button), it said that I fully solved the kata, but the output side was totally red, as if I actually did not solve it or gave wrong outputs. I don't mind that it is bad, but for a good view this could probably be fixed, right?

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    Checking by charCode is clever. Didn't come to mind that quickly, that I could use this.

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    Gotta learn the regular expressions for real... i feel it is time to

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    Really, it took me 10 minutes only to realize what does the input m stand for.

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    You can always look for methods used in solutions on web. It is not a problem. From aside these solutions might seem easy to write, but when it comes to practice, it is not that easy to remember which method is the best for a particular case. Practice, however, will solve that problem :)

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    If I just do nothing and return 0 it will already take ~5000 ms time to complete... why is it taking so long?

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    As I can understand you can just find those methods in the installed Java editors like IJ IDEA. They come handy when you need to find the specific methods of classes. Just typing, for instance, "str." it will show you every single method that class "str" has. Actually, in my opinion, it is the best way to practice. However, not all editors may provide the methods of classes. Sublime, of course is one of them. The only reason to use Sublime and such editors is that they are super fast.

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    Oh, I see now the issue. To make it work, I have to just put for example "0.0" instead of "". Thanks a lot.

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    Trouble with Dart.

    I don't know if my comment is supposed to be an Issue pointer or just a question, but since I am not that good on Dart, I will mark it as a Question.

    First, I haven't even started solving the kata and by habbit i pressed CTRL + S. Then I got back to instructions. When I came back to Output window I saw this:

    • FormatException: Invalid double

    Even though, as I said, I haven't even started typing anything. I thought, I missclicked something, but still it showed me this dialog.

    Have I missed something? Could anybody explain?

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