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    If we're using the same set of characters and characteristics from Preloaded anyway, is there any reason to pass in persons into GuessWho? It'd imply that it's possible to only have a subset of all characters for guessing, which does not occur in the tests.

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    In all the tests the opponent character always have Male characteristic for some reasons. Is this a dev exit?

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    The tests as they are designed right now is unsolvable, as it is unclear what a solution should optimize for: Average guesses? Minimum guesses? Maximum guesses? Number of guesses for specific match-ups?

    The tests current does this:

    • Implements a not strictly globally optimal player
    • You have to be better than this player on almost all inputs to pass

    This basically forces a solution to be implemented the same way as the reference solution, or be strictly superior to it.

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    Kata design problem: We're required to implement the player logic correctly, running games and maintain game states, and play optimally the same time. Why are we doing 3 unrelated tasks together in one? The kata would sound like we only need to do the last one, so having to do the other two as well is very off-putting. Not to mention the current interface is ill-designed for doing this, as game, player and controller logic should belong to different objects.