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    Donot Understand this question at all... Lol

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    Cheers guys. Thanks a lot for helping. Quite hopeful of not being distracted this time. Already have faced enough embarrassment in coding rounds.

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    I am not struggling as such with logic but, syntax. However,i have chosen python instead of swift as I am looking for a transition in to data scientist. Just completed my master in statistics. However, I never paid much attention to coding during my development. Always used API's and other people code from stackoverflow or something else.
    But , this time I really want to move forward into data structure , algorithms. From your rank it seems that you are really up in the ladder. Please give some suggestions and tips for moving forward swiftly.

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    Hi Guys!!
    Joined code wars recently. Have 5 years of experience as iphone application developer. Howewver, i am terrible in programming. I am struggling at Kata 8. Please let me know , how should i start from the basics? What should i start doing.
    Please reply me after keeping in mind my coding skills as 0