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    same man, thats why scrolling here

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    Ну что, понял?Объясни пожалуйста )))ахаха

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    Donot Understand this question at all... Lol

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    Cheers guys. Thanks a lot for helping. Quite hopeful of not being distracted this time. Already have faced enough embarrassment in coding rounds.

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    If you are not struggling with logic, then: reduce that logic into something concrete(basically googlable)(breaking the problem into many subproblems helps a lot) and then google how to do that.

    Most of the 8 kyu kata gives at least a rough idea of what to do(I mean the description and the actual task are sufficiently relevant): that might have something to do with sorting, searching, counting how many elements are in the container, find the difference between the maximum and minimum count.

    The first three can be solved by googling "how to do X with a list in python?", most probably you'll be directed to StackOverflow, apart from reading the syntax, just take a glance over other stuff(they might be something relevant to the sortable data structure, time-complexity, or perhaps underlying implementation or just say Y and if you're motivated enough you can google what is Y and so on)

    To solve the fourth one, you need to break the problem into parts, google syntax of each.

    In the beginning, there's would be a lot of googling, which will at least familiarize you with some common token of business.


    1. Extract the actual problem from the description(basically what problem boils down to) [Basically, abstraction]

    2. Break the problem(incase if it is compound-ish)[Reduction]

    3. Subtantiate the logic of the solution(just precise enough to be googlable).

    4. Google the syntax, and write the code.

    You can ask for hint in this room.

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    I am not struggling as such with logic but, syntax. However,i have chosen python instead of swift as I am looking for a transition in to data scientist. Just completed my master in statistics. However, I never paid much attention to coding during my development. Always used API's and other people code from stackoverflow or something else.
    But , this time I really want to move forward into data structure , algorithms. From your rank it seems that you are really up in the ladder. Please give some suggestions and tips for moving forward swiftly.

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    Why you're struggling at kata 8?

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    Hi Guys!!
    Joined code wars recently. Have 5 years of experience as iphone application developer. Howewver, i am terrible in programming. I am struggling at Kata 8. Please let me know , how should i start from the basics? What should i start doing.
    Please reply me after keeping in mind my coding skills as 0