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    OP solved the task, closing

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    You are thinking as of [row][column] and the solution is [column][row]

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    For this kata, coordinates in the maze are 0-based. First coordinate is horizontal (x), increasing left to right, and the second one is vertical (y) increasing from top to bottom.
    Such coordinate system is somewhat "customary" and I believe that's why it's not explained in details, but I've seen remarks in the comments that it's not sufficiently clarified in the description.

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    You have to be careful when reading the mazes, because in C++, backslashes are escaped what makes them tricky to read. Without escaped characters, mazes look like this:

    Example 1:
          ##############       ##############
          #        \   #       +--------\   #
          *   \        #  =>   *---\    |   #
          #            #       #   |    |   #
          #   \    /   #       #   \----/   #
          ##############       ##############
    Example 2:
          ###*###      ###*### 
          #/ /  #      #/-/  #
          #     #  =>  #|    #
          #     #      #|    #
          #\    #      #\----+
          #######      #######

    I marked places where beam exits the maze with +, and they are located at (0,1) for the first maze, and (6,4) for the second maze.

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    To start with, remove the line

    len -= 3;

    Also, I recommend you convert the C-style string to a C++ string.

    string in_string(in); 

    This might help refactor the code and simplify it further.

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    Read this, try Github channels if you're in a hurry.

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    Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to me cuz I never had that error.

    By some quick debugging I found the problem: your for loop initializes unsigned int until it goes negative. But here's the problem with unsigned - it doesn't go negative :P Once you try to do 0 - 1, it results in 4294967295, which is still >= 0, and when you try to access a character at that index, you get this error.

    I hope that's helpful. There are still some logical errors in your code, but this should get you started :>

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    The error is rare, but at the same time - too generic. It seems to contain some sort of undefined behaviour.

    Would you mind posting your code here? (mark it as spoiler)