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    at the very least mention that the extensions should be sorted alphabetically...
    or even better... dump that and test against sets ._.

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    pay attention to the + in the regex

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    what is a 6 kyu doing here though? this is going to be funny

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    There is a mistake in the Alkenes & Alkynes section. First group of examples in the second example it's hex-1-5-diene,
    it should be 1-4 or 2-5 ofc you don't just mean 1-4 becuase it's the "right" way but i guess you mean it because you wrote numbers are reversed

    second group of examples (it's a one example really but meh), tridec-4,10-"dien"-2,6,8-triyne. i believe the quote should be diene (typo).

    third group of examples, 4-hept-2,4-"dienylundec"-9-"en"-2,5-diyne. "en" here as well is probably a typo missing an e.
    and for "di en yl undec" i think it should be "di ene yl undec".
    (took me a while to actually figure out what it should be, French nomenclature is messing things up for me)

    for functions, well, i crammed that part of the subject and i'm regretting it xD. i guess i'll leave the rest for another day :/

    and one last thing i still don't get (i'll probably get it when i look at the tests), what exactly is the input to the function? the name or the drawing? and what do you want the output to be?

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