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    If there is a tie, return a sorted list of all extensions.

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    at the very least mention that the extensions should be sorted alphabetically...
    or even better... dump that and test against sets ._.

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    pay attention to the + in the regex

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    • hex-1,4-diene, right, sorry about that.
    • tridec-4,10-"dien"-2,6,8-triyne: this one is on prupose. the additionnal e is only a "rule" about making the name more easy to pronounce. As I state it in the last section, I don't handle such a type of thing. There are already far enough things to do without it.
    • en/ene: same thing
    • "di ene yl undec -> nope, never an additional e before another vowel (at least.... not in french version?). But anyway, see above.
    • you can see an example of input and output at the very top of the description (I know, one totally forgets there were things there once one reads the next parts... x) )


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    what is a 6 kyu doing here though? this is going to be funny

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    There is a mistake in the Alkenes & Alkynes section. First group of examples in the second example it's hex-1-5-diene,
    it should be 1-4 or 2-5 ofc you don't just mean 1-4 becuase it's the "right" way but i guess you mean it because you wrote numbers are reversed

    second group of examples (it's a one example really but meh), tridec-4,10-"dien"-2,6,8-triyne. i believe the quote should be diene (typo).

    third group of examples, 4-hept-2,4-"dienylundec"-9-"en"-2,5-diyne. "en" here as well is probably a typo missing an e.
    and for "di en yl undec" i think it should be "di ene yl undec".
    (took me a while to actually figure out what it should be, French nomenclature is messing things up for me)

    for functions, well, i crammed that part of the subject and i'm regretting it xD. i guess i'll leave the rest for another day :/

    and one last thing i still don't get (i'll probably get it when i look at the tests), what exactly is the input to the function? the name or the drawing? and what do you want the output to be?

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